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Please read our Privacy Policy before use this website.

  • Information we use in our website content/article:
    # We generally do not post with information that breaks other’s privacy policy.
    # We use an image in post always created by manual design in Photoshop based on content/article topic. We keep the copyright of all the images we use on our website except social icon or some default web element that has permission to use other websites.
    # All the brand name are just used to write/publish news/update to others, we do not own any other brand name we used in content including their logo or other information.
  • Information that visitors share via our websites like Name or Email:
    We never share or use any information of our visitor like name, email, website while comment or share to other websites.
    # In the subscription box, which information we asked from our visitor to give to get new post update or newsletter are completely secure into our end. We do not use any information to send other information that not relies on our this current website. We also do not share any information with any other third parties. We only use them to notify new post.
  • We are not responsible for the action or steps after visitor clicks in any adds shows into our website. Visitor clicks on the adds only by their own interests and responsible him/her-self for any damage or benefits they gain after seeing the adds. 
  • All the website information, images, and other element are owned by and strongly prohibited to copy anything from to re-publish into another website except share into social media with our credit.

Please email us at for any question or report. Thanks for staying with

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