HSC NCTB Syllabus is important as important curriculum books. Syllabus goes on top of books, if anyone can’t understand syllabus, he/she can’t plan to read the book or can’t plan to prepare for the very front exam based on curriculum books. We have linked the HSC NCTB Syllabus for all subject. Please refer to the link below to download each of them.
We believe each of the link of HSC Syllabus works just fine, but let us know if any of them comes with problems or you can’t download.
To download All Subject HSC NCTB Syllabus in pdf, please follow link regarding subject name below.
01 | Accounting | >DOWNLOAD | |
02 | Agriculture | >DOWNLOAD | |
03 | Bangla | >DOWNLOAD | |
04 | Biology | >DOWNLOAD | |
05 | Business Organisation & Management | >DOWNLOAD | |
06 | Chemistry | >DOWNLOAD | |
07 | Child Development | >DOWNLOAD | |
08 | Civics | >DOWNLOAD | |
09 | Classical Music | >DOWNLOAD | |
10 | Economics | >DOWNLOAD | |
11 | English | >DOWNLOAD | |
12 | Finance, Banking and Insurance | >DOWNLOAD | |
13 | Food and Nutrition | >DOWNLOAD | |
14 | Geography | >DOWNLOAD | |
15 | Higher Math | >DOWNLOAD | |
16 | History | >DOWNLOAD | |
17 | Home Management & Family Living | >DOWNLOAD | |
18 | Home Science | >DOWNLOAD | |
18 | ICT | >DOWNLOAD | |
20 | Islam | >DOWNLOAD | |
21 | Islamic History | >DOWNLOAD | |
22 | Light Music | >DOWNLOAD | |
23 | Logic | >DOWNLOAD | |
24 | Physics | >DOWNLOAD | |
25 | Practical Arts | >DOWNLOAD | |
26 | Production Management & Marketing | >DOWNLOAD | |
27 | Psychology | >DOWNLOAD | |
28 | Social Work | >DOWNLOAD | |
29 | Sociology | >DOWNLOAD | |
30 | Social Science | >DOWNLOAD | |
31 | Statistics | >DOWNLOAD | |
32 | Tourism & Hospitality | >DOWNLOAD |
If you have any problem downloading the HSC-NCTB syllabus for all subjects, please let us know by commenting below, We will try to solve your problem or get you that one almost instantly. And if you find this post helpful, please do share it with your Facebook friends. Thanks!
This Post Has 6 Comments
The text are not written in English…..
I need to download geography
Hi Dav, those syllabi are actually written in Bengoli, but we are sorry we don’t have English version yet. Thanks for being with ePathagar.
I need HSC Syllabus of session 2011-12. Would you like to give me the Syllabus.
বাংলা বই এর ফ্রন্ট মোবাইলে support করছে না !! কি করণীয় !! প্রথম পাতা ছাড়া কিসুই বোঝা jacche না !!
finance er boi ase?? thakle koi?
Ami kono boi e download korte parchi na Amar Islamic study 2nd papper book ta Pele valo hoito?